The Greek Hydrogen Valley

The Path Towards a Low Carbon Energy Hub in Eastern Mediterranean

The TRIĒRĒS project is supporting the main priority of the European Commission for scaling up hydrogen ecosystems across Europe through emerging strategic value chains. The TRIĒRĒS Valley is nucleated around the Motor Oil Hellas (MOH) Refinery in Agioi Theodoroi, Greece, which is destined to become the Flagship Hydrogen Valley in the South-eastern Mediterranean geography.

The TRIĒRĒS Project

The main objective of the TRIĒRĒS project is the creation of a “Small Scale Hydrogen Valley”, with geographical reference to the Motor Oil Refinery of Ag. Theodoroi in Corinth. By linking the green hydrogen production unit that the MOH is developing there within the EPHYRA project, with businesses, technology providers, academic and research institutions, public sector organisations and local government bodies, a hydrogen economy will be established in Greece.

The TRIĒRĒS Valley aims to demonstrate the combination and integration of multiple hydrogen applications (city buses, passenger vehicles, shipping, power plants, etc.) into an efficient and resilient interconnected ecosystem that covers the full hydrogen value chain of production, storage, transport, and distribution of green hydrogen to end user applications. 


Tons of green H2 produced per year

Total budget in euros


Different applications

Clean Hydrogen Partnership

The TRIĒRĒS Valley is playing an important role in the The Clean Hydrogen Partnership objective to accelerate the development and deployment of the European value chain for safe and sustainable clean hydrogen technologies, strengthening its competitiveness and with a view to supporting notably SMEs, accelerating the market entry of innovative competitive clean solutions.

European Union Funding

The TRIĒRĒS Valley is perfectly aligned to the context of the European Green Deal objectives through two main avenues. The primary objective to achieve the targets of climate neutrality set by the European Green Deal by 2050 and to propel companies and available technologies to lead the energy transition, using clean products and a green value chain.

Join us on the road to a sustainable hydrogen economy!

Creation of a Hydrogen Market

Activate the development of a hydrogen market in the country of Greece as well as the Balkan region and in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Regional Interest Maximisation

Strengthen the visibility and improve the knowledge and the public awareness of strategic actors of the hydrogen value chain as well as the public perception of emerging hydrogen ecosystems.

Knowledge Buildup

Add value to the current hydrogen knowledge curve and support its near future takeoff through state of the art scientific and socioeconomical investment.

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